JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri claims that the achievement of asset recovery or asset recovery from criminal acts committed, reached Rp. 179.390 billion in the January-May period. This figure is an increase of more than 100 percent from before.

"We conveyed to this forum that until May 21, 2022, the return of assets resulting from corruption crimes reached Rp. 179.390 billion, an increase of 157 percent compared to the same period in 2021, which was Rp. 71.134 billion," said Firli as quoted from his written statement, Saturday, June 11th.

This increase, continued Firli, could occur because of a number of new breakthroughs. Including, the KPK can auction confiscated objects without having to wait for a court decision in accordance with Government Regulation Number 105 of 2021 concerning Auction of Confiscated Goods from the Corruption Eradication Commission.

Article 3 of PP No. 15 of 2021 states that the anti-corruption commission can auction confiscated objects starting from the investigation, prosecution, or when the related case is transferred to the court.

The condition is that the goods have the criteria of being easily damaged, dangerous, or the storage costs are too high. In addition, confiscated objects must also obtain permission from the suspect or his proxy to be auctioned.

"Thus, the value of assets resulting from corruption crimes can be maintained so that it does not drop drastically," said Firli.

In addition, Firli also revealed that the realization of Non-Tax State Revenue (PNBP) obtained by the KPK in the first semester of 2022 reached Rp. 179.3 billion. This figure is much higher than the target set, which is Rp. 141 billion.

In detail, the sources of the KPK's PNBP receipts include the handling of corruption cases of Rp. 168.93 billion, the gratuities set by the KPK of Rp. 1.3 billion, and general PNBP of Rp. 9.1 billion.

Then from the results of the 2022 PNBP receipts, the KPK carried out an Asset Use Status Determination (PSPA) to ministries, institutions, and local governments (KLPD), amounting to Rp24.270 billion.

Thus, the assets resulting from the crime of corruption can be used effectively to support the performance of the KLPD in providing public services to the community.

The ministries that received PSPA from the KPK were the Ministry of Law and Human Rights with an asset value of Rp. 630.6 million, the Ministry of ATR/BPN of Rp. 574.7 million, the Bangkalan Regency Government of Rp. 16.23 billion, and the North Tapanuli Regency Government of Rp. 6.83 billion.

Lastly, the KPK also claims to be actively monitoring the implementation of the Corruption Eradication Strategy (Stranas PK) action plan. As of the first quarter of 2022, the monitoring of the Stranas PK implementation carried out by the KPK reached 38.8 percent, an increase of 5 percent from the fourth quarter of 2021.

“On the various performance results, we are committed not to be complacent. The KPK will continue to strive to increase PNBP and asset recovery from the various sectors it handles," said Firli.

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