JAKARTA - The South Jakarta Metro Police stated that the body of a student who was found without full clothes in an apartment unit in the Cipulir area, Kebayoran Lama, was in a difficult condition to identify.

"This can't be done, it's like all blisters, how do we know we can't guess," said the South Jakarta Metro Police Chief, Kombes Pol. Budhi Herdi Susianto in Jakarta, Friday, June 10.

Budhi also said that the police could not confirm whether the victim underwent a filler injection or not, as the news reported.

Budhi explained that the condition of the victim's body was blackened and bruised because it was suspected that he had been at the scene for some time.

Currently, members of the South Jakarta Metro Police are investigating a piece of evidence that resembles taking drugs at the scene.

"The results haven't come out yet. Indeed, there is a tool similar to the one used for that, yes, but we have to make sure first," he said.

Previously, the police found the body of a female student who was in an apartment in the South Jakarta area. The woman who was found half-naked is known to be a resident of Cirebon, West Java.

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