KENDAL - Thousands of mourners crowded the residence of Mustasyar, Nahdlatul Ulama Executive Board Kiai Haji Dimyati Rois on Friday, in Kaliwungu, Kendal Regency, Central Java Province.

Among the mourners who paid tribute to Kiai Dimyati Rois' residence were Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo, Minister of Villages, Development of Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Abdul Halim Iskandar and Deputy Speaker of the MPR, Jazilul Fawaid.

Former labor minister Hanif Dhakiri, Chairman of the National Awakening Party (PKB) Muhaimin Iskandar, and Chairman of the Central Java PKB DPW KH Yusuf Chudlori also visited the residence of Kiai Dimyati Rois.

Kiai Haji Dimyati Rois, the caretaker of the Al Fadlu wal Fadhilah Islamic Boarding School, died in the early hours of Friday.

His body was prayed at the Kaliwungu Grand Mosque after Friday prayers and then buried in the Al Fadlu 2 Islamic Boarding School complex in Srogo, Kendal Regency.

The Governor of Central Java called Kiai Dimyati Rois a figure who protects and provides coolness.

Although sometimes he has different political views, Ganjar does not feel distant from Kiai Dimyati Rois.

He said that the departure of Kiai Dimyati Rois left many people feeling lost.

"So many people come, it's not just from Central Java," he said.

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