PALEMBANG - The panel of judges at the Corruption Court (Tipikor) in Palembang, South Sumatra, questioned the accused, former Musi Banyuasin Regent (Muba) Dodi Reza Alex, with questions regarding the source of the dollars confiscated by the KPK.

This question was conveyed by the panel of judges chaired by Judge Yoserizal to the defendant Dodi Reza in the follow-up trial of the alleged criminal act of accepting bribes for working on four projects at the PUPR Office of Muba district in 2021.

"Regarding that there were several foreign currencies, which were confiscated by the KPK from you, among them there were 20 Singapore Dollars in the 50-dollar denomination, where did they come from, for what purpose, and how much if they were converted into rupiah," the judge asked, quoted by Antara, Thursday, June 9 .

The panel of judges considered that it was necessary to obtain an explanation regarding the Singapore Dollar evidence considering that based on the statements of witnesses at the previous trial, only the defendant Dodi Reza knew the details of the money.

"Witnesses include, your wife said she did not know (in the trial), but only Pak Dodi knew about it, now try to explain," he added.

Dodi Reza explained that the foreign money confiscated by the KPK was not related to the arrest operation against him in October 2021, but that the money was secured four to five days later.

The foreign money was obtained when the KPK conducted searches starting from the private house, apartment or home of Dodi Reza's parents in Palembang.

In particular, the money earned from the house and apartment, said Dodi, was a personal deposit, considering that he often travels abroad with various government-related agendas, as well as attending international climate change conferences.

“There are Lira, Pounds Sterling, US Dollars. And for the 50 Singapore Dollar denomination, I bought approximately Rp. 10 million to prepare me to go to the presidential entourage to attend a climate change conference in Glaglow City (Scotland)," he said.

He said the reason for buying in Singaporean dollars was because when they were traveling they would transit in Singapore using a Singapore Airlines plane.

"Then even if I change it to British Pounds later the difference is not too far away," he said.

He said that the trip to attend the climate change conference would take place four days after the incident with the KPK.

Dodi admitted that he only found out about the confiscation of foreign money after it was shown by the KPK Public Prosecutor (JPU) in a trial at the Palembang Corruption Court.

Regarding the Singapore dollar, it was previously known that Badruzzaman alias Acan, as the staff of the Muba regent who was presented by the KPK prosecutor as a witness at the trial at the Palembang Corruption Court, Thursday (27/1), had said that Dodi Reza had conveyed to himself all the regent's allotment money at the time. The four infrastructure projects at the Muba PUPR Service were handed over in Singapore dollars.

“Pak Dodi once said that all the rations for him should be given through me. The money must be in Singapore dollars, that's true,” said Badruzzaman.

He also admitted that he was directed by Dodi Reza to meet Herman Mayori (former Head of the PUPR Muba Service) to ask about the share that was his share, which was later discovered to be 10 percent.

After the request was submitted, Herman realized it by sending money worth Rp. 1 billion through Irfan (Head of PUPR Muba Road and Bridge Preservation) in Singapore dollar denominations.

Badruzzaman received the money from Irfan at Palembang's Sultan Mahmud Badaruddin II Airport, in the first week of January 2021.

He admitted that by carrying out the Regent's request, he was able to get a project at the PUPR Muba Department which was carried out by a colleague, from the project he received around IDR 440 million, all of which had been returned to the KPK.

Meanwhile, in this case, Dodi Reza Alex was presented directly by the KPK prosecutor in the trial with the agenda of listening to his testimony with two other defendants, namely Herman Mayori as the former Head of the PUPR Muba Service and Eddi Umari, the former Head of the Natural Resources/PPK Division of PUPR Muba.

The Public Prosecutor suspected that Dodi Reza Alex received a prize or promise from Suhandy as the winner of four infrastructure development projects at the Muba PUPR Service in 2021, through Herman Mayori and Eddi Umari, the total amount of which was Rp. 4.4 billion in accordance with the respective percentages that had been previously agreed upon. .

In detail, the percentage distribution of the money allotment is 10 percent for the Regent, 3-5 percent for the Head of the PUPR Service, 2-3 percent for the Head of the SDA/PPK Division of the PUPR Service. Then, 3 percent for ULP, 1 percent for PPTK and other administrative divisions including the treasurer.

The four projects that Suhandy worked on were the Rehabilitation of the Ngulak III Irrigation Area (IDPMIP) in Ngulak III Village, Sanga District with a contract value of Rp. 2.39 billion, the improvement of the irrigation network for the Epil Rawa Irrigation Area (DIR) with a contract value of Rp. 4.3 billion. the irrigation network of the Muara Teladan DIR with a contract value of Rp. 3.3 billion and the normalization of Lake Ulak Ria, Sekayu District with a contract value of Rp. 9.9 billion, with a contract value of around Rp. 19 billion.

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