JAKARTA - A teenage boy with the initials YW (19) was forced to undergo serious treatment at Husada Hospital, Sawah Besar. He lay down because he tried to end his life by slashing his hand with a razor blade.

The suicide attempt was carried out by YW on Thursday, June 9 at around 10.30 WIB. After being investigated, it was found that YW was stressed because her boyfriend's family asked for Rp40 million for the wedding expenses.

"As a result of the request, the victim felt depressed and became depressed, and thought of committing suicide by slashing her left wrist with a razor blade," said Head of Criminal Investigation Unit for Sawah Besar Sector Police AKP Wildan when contacted by reporters, Thursday, June 9.

Kanit explained that the incident began when the victim wanted to marry her lover, with the initials EM (18). However, EM's family asked the victim for wedding expenses.

"EM's family asked for a wedding fee of Rp. 40 million," he said.

Wildan said from witness testimony, YW had complained because EM claimed to be pregnant and asked the victim to be held accountable.

"However, after checking using a pregnancy test, that EM is not pregnant," he said.

After it was proven that EM was not pregnant, YW wanted to marry EM. However, the family asked for a wedding fee of Rp. 40 million, which made YW depressed.

Wildan also said the victim suffered serious injuries and was taken to Husada Hospital.

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