MAKASSAR - Makassar City Health Office, South Sulawesi said that until the second week of June 2022 the vaccination program for the National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) reached 25.5 percent of the target of 305,210 children.
"For this BIAN, our target for immunization for school children is 305,210 thousand. So far, we have achieved 78,000 children, so it's only about 25.5 percent," said Head of the Makassar City Health Office, Nursaidah Sirajuddin, at the Rajawali Kindergarten. on Jalan Arif Rate Makassar City, Thursday, June 9.
It is known that BIAN lasts for one month, gradually in all provinces of Indonesia.
The first phase will be implemented starting in May 2022 in all provinces on the islands of Sumatra, Kalimantan, Sulawesi, Nusa Tenggara, Maluku and Papua.
For the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, the implementation of basic immunization in the National Child Immunization Month (BIAN) continues to be pursued by the Makassar city government.
The Head of Health, who is familiarly called dr. Ida said that her party was initiating door-to-door initiation for children who were not in school to continue to be vaccinated.
"There are children in school, there are children who do not go to school, we will all think up, so children who do not go to school, we do door to door which we do at school services in 47 health centers in Makassar City," he said.
Meanwhile, the Head of the Makassar City PKK Mobilization Team, Indira Yusuf Ismail hoped that related parties would jointly work to improve the immunization achievements of children in Makassar during the BIAN implementation from 18 May-30 June 2022. The goal is to achieve the 95 percent target.
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His party called for all parties to play an active role in the success of the BIAN implementation in Makassar City by disseminating BIAN information at every opportunity, mobilizing the community and parents so that their children are immunized, and being an example where all children in the family get complete immunizations.
"Hopefully our efforts to make Makassar City children healthy by giving immunizations can prevent Extraordinary Events or Outbreaks caused by Immunization Preventable Diseases (PD3I) as has happened in several areas in South Sulawesi and other provinces," said Indira .
Previously, the implementation of the BIAN was launched on 18 May 2022 by the Ministry of Health.
This activity is carried out to increase awareness and understanding to all Indonesian people about the importance of implementing National Child Immunization Month towards achieving the target of eliminating measles-rubella/Congenital Rubella Syndrome (CRS) in 2023.
The vaccine is given at the age of nine months to approximately 12 years.
For information, the MR vaccine (measles and rubella vaccine) is an immunization given to prevent diseases caused by measles and rubella (German measles) viruses.
This disease is a contagious infectious disease caused by a virus. Transmission of this disease can be transmitted through the respiratory tract, especially direct contact with infected patients through coughing or sneezing.
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