TANGERANG - A thinner factory owned by PT Wana Prima on Jalan Padat Karya, Pabuaran Village, Curug, Tangerang Regency exploded. According to residents around the explosion occurred five times.

Intan, a local resident said that the incident occurred at around 11.40 WIB. Intan said, she admitted that she heard an unpleasant smell like chemicals during the fire.

"Thinner factory, I think around 12 o'clock. I heard more than 5 explosions," said Intan when met at the location, Thursday, June 9.

Intan said she did not know the cause of the fire. But he explained that before the explosion occurred, the factory was operating.

"The information is still operating, but if there are casualties, we still don't know," he said.

Intan also said that the factory is close to residential areas. However, he confirmed that until now it has not spread to any of the houses around the location.

"The factory is close to the residents' houses. But it's like that. So no one has been hit by the house. This fire is getting bigger and bigger," he said.

Meanwhile, the Head of Emergency and Logistics of BPBD, Abdul Munir, confirmed that the thinner factory burned down. Now they are extinguishing the fire.

"It's a thinner factory, 6 units (fire extinguishers) have been dispatched," he concluded

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