JAKARTA - Minister of Religion (Menag) Yaqut Cholil Qoumas did not expect to be able to talk so closely with the world's Catholic religious leaders, Pope Francis. Yaqut felt very lucky to experience such a moment.

The moment happened when Yaqut was in the Vatican, Italy. He met directly with Pope Francis to convey an invitation to come to Indonesia and convey two other messages.

"As far as I know, not everyone can get this close to conveying something to Pope Francis. And I'm lucky to be a part of that little," Yaqut said on his personal Facebook account, quoted Thursday, June 9.

Yaqut then recounted from the beginning of his meeting with Pope Francis. The man who was familiarly called Gus Yaqut started his meeting with the Pope by greeting, "Blessings in the realm, Your Holiness".

"I introduce myself Your Honor. My name is Yaqut Cholil, Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia. As mandated by our constitution, I must maintain tolerance and peace between the six main religions and hundreds of local religions," Yaqut said.

Yaqut said he was grateful to be able to come to the Vatican for the second time. To the Pope, Yaqut said that he first came in September 2019, but on this occasion the former Deputy Regent of Rembang brought a different group.

What was said by Yaqut, Pope Francis smiled back. Yaqut then said there were three messages he had to convey.

First, he said, the PKB politician wanted to convey an invitation from President Joko Widodo to 'Your Holliness' to come to visit Indonesia.

"Secondly, I am also here to send greetings from the Indonesian catholic community and the archbishops as well as the bishops, who are eager to meet His Holiness in person. They are praying for your health and hope to see His Majesty come to Indonesia," Yaqut said. .

Furthermore, the third, Yaqut explained that he came to the Vatican with the chairman of the largest Islamic organization in the world, Nahdlatul Ulama. Yaqut brought the General Chair of PBNU KH Yahya Cholil Staquf alias Gus Yahya when he was with Pope Francis.

"Mr. Yahya, who has met His Majesty several times. He will immediately convey the purpose of his visit to His Majesty. He (the Pope) smiled and replied: ... (secret)," said Yaqut.

Pope Francis, continued Yaqut, then gave a souvenir before inviting himself and his entourage from Indonesia to say goodbye.

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