JAKARTA - The formation of the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) by the Golkar Party, PAN and PPP is considered by CSIS (Centre for Strategic and International Studies) as a strategic coalition. The reason is that the coalition has met the requirements for 20 percent support for the nominations for the presidential and vice presidential pairs in the 2024 presidential election.

PAN as a member of KIB, appreciates the positive attitude of CSIS. "As a think tank, CSIS's statement is certainly based on an in-depth analysis of several programs or policies of political parties for the advancement of democracy and improving the quality of the party system with the aim of strengthening the presidential system in Indonesia," Deputy Chairperson of the PAN DPP Viva Yoga Mauladi in a statement, Thursday 9 June.

Viva Yoga said that the assessment of CSIS and several other political institutions and observers who considered the establishment of KIB positive for several main reasons.

"For example, because of the similarity of ideals to fulfill the promise of Indonesian Independence as stated in the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution through constitutional democracy," said Viva Yoga.

According to Viva Yoga, these ideals are then lowered into a platform that fights for the politics of ideas, ideas, and thoughts, as the basis for principles through political processes that are intellectual, encouraging, prosperous, prosperous, and just.

"That is one of the basic foundations of KIB," said Viva Yoga.

According to Viva Yoga, the formation of KIB itself has a long process of communication. "There is a match. Moreover, the three party leaders were friends when they were members of the DPR RI," he said.

He also emphasized the strong commitment of the three parties in forming KIB. One of the considerations is the similarity of platforms and political struggles, both as political parties that want to build constitutional democracy.

"The KIB base is a collection of the bases of each party. The occurrence of the constituent base is due to ideological ties and the militancy of the voters,” he said.

Viva Yoga also stated that the bonds in KIB are mutually reinforcing and adding to each other's political power.

"This togetherness has met the presidential threshold requirements in the 2024 presidential election later," said Viva Yoga.

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