BLORA - The figure of Aipda Adi Tri Sukmoro, who serves as the Head of Guard, (KaJaga) Sat Samapta Polres Blora Central Java Police, is a police officer who is known to be firm and disciplined in carrying out his duties.

Adi is an official at the Samapta Unit, he is in direct contact with the community. And of course when he was on patrol duty, he had to maintain an attitude, dashing and dignified.

But apparently, behind his prowess as a member of the National Police, Adi is also a Koran teacher. It can even be said that he is the founder or chairman of a Koranic school called TPQ Nurul Quran in the Bangkle sub-district area RT 04 RW 05.

Not only reciting the Koran, Adi is assisted by his wife, Siti Mustrianawati, along with 7 other Koran teachers who carry out Islamic da'wah through his hermitage, Padepokan Alab Alab Sabrang Lor.


Recitation activities at Padepokan Alab Alab Sabrang Lor are carried out every day. Starting with the Asr prayer in congregation in the prayer room near his house, Aipda Adi Tri as the priest. Then after the congregational prayer, continued with the Koran in the prayer room and at his home.

Aipda Adi Tri Sukmoro recounted that when he first started the Koran school he saw that his neighborhood was far from the madrasa. Well, from there, little by little he began to teach children and teenagers around.

"I want to apply the knowledge that I have gained. In the past, I only taught the Koran a few children. And thank God the people around here supported us. Finally, we opened a Koranic school here," said Aipda Adi Tri, via short message, Wednesday, June 8.

Furthermore, Aipda Adi Tri explained that the beginning of the struggle to establish a Koranic school was not easy. Where in addition to budget constraints that are a problem, there are also limited space and facilities.

"In the beginning, I wanted to get a lot of students, but after a lot of children who took part in the Koran were confused. The place didn't have the facilities nor was it lacking. But Alhamdulillah, my wife is supportive and there are some friends who are also teachers of the Koran here," he continued.


Luckily, there was help from donors, such as colleagues from the Blora Police and from the general public, as well as other benefactors.

"With prayers and struggles, as well as support from family and friends, finally this hermitage can grow. And now it has 90 students," he explained.

To note, there are currently 4 classes at Padepokan Aipda Adi Tri. Starting from the group of students aged kindergarten, early childhood, elementary, to junior high school. Meanwhile, every Friday specifically for the class for women who recite the Koran.

Adi said he did not determine the cost for the students. However, there is only an infaq payment of IDR 10,000 per month, and even then, it is not required.

"Lillahi ta'ala. Thank God, by Allah's permission, the Koran activities here can run smoothly. However, of course we will not refuse if there are benefactors who donate for the purposes of the Koran activities here," said Adi.

Separately, Kasat Samapta Blora Police AKP Kusnio as the leader of Aipda Adi Tri Sukmoro said that what his members were doing should be supported.

"What Aipda Adi Tri has done is good, let alone being able to share knowledge with the children in his environment. Thank God until now he has always been disciplined in carrying out his duties. During office hours he is on duty and after the afternoon office hours are over, he becomes a Koran teacher," said Kasat Samapta Blora Police.

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