JAKARTA - Secretary General (Sekjen) of the NasDem Party, Johnny G Plate, responded to the news of the transfer of former Gerindra politician, M Taufik, to his party. According to Johnny, every day there are new members who register to get the NasDem Party membership card (KTA) electronically.

"There are many new NasDem members every day who apply digitally. NasDem currently has digital infrastructure or the use of digital technology to support party performance, including related to membership. So NasDem membership is an electronic KTA," said Johnny at the DPR building, Jakarta, Wednesday, June 8th.

If Taufik wants to join the NasDem Party, Johnny continued, of course his party is open and accepts all thoughts, desires and participation of every member of the community who wants to serve the country.

"Of course we are not proactive, but we always open space to be a comfortable place for all politicians who have a foundation of thought and place restoration as the basis for struggle," explained the Minister of Communication and Informatics.

However, Johnny said, there is no term for rolling out the red carpet for new members even though they are prominent figures. Even if there were, he said, all cadres would get the same carpet color.

"The red carpet for all NasDem cadres is the same red, the same blue, the same as yellow, the same green," said Johnny.

Johnny also denied reports that M Taufik had met the General Chairman of the NasDem Party, Surya Paloh regarding the joining of the former chairman of the Jakarta Gerindra DPD.

"Don't talk rumors. NasDem is always transparent. If there are prominent Indonesian figures, their personalities must be respected. In politics, we still have to respect credibility, if private matters are conveyed, keep it confidential," concluded Johnny.

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