TANGERANG - Tangerang Regent, Ahmed Zaki Iskandar, admitted that he is still waiting for technical instructions from the Central Government regarding the rules for eliminating temporary workers which will take effect on November 28, 2023.

"We are still waiting for technical instructions from the central government. Because this policy is relatively new, so we are still waiting for the technicalities," said Zaki, Wednesday, June 8.

On that occasion, Zaki admitted that the Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) still needed honorary workers. Moreover, there are many honorary positions currently in charge of the place.

"Actually, we still really need this honorary staff, especially for educators and in OPD we need service personnel," he concluded.

Previously, the Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform (PANRB) Tjahjo Kumolo appealed to government agency Personnel Development Officials (PPK) to determine the employment status of non-ASN employees (non-PNS, non-PPPK, and ex-Honorary Personnel Category II). no later than November 28, 2023.

This is stated in the Letter of the Minister of PANRB No. B/185/M.SM.02.03/2022 concerning Employment Status in Central Government Agencies and Local Governments. Tjahjo's statement was quoted on the official website of the PAN-RB Ministry.

Tjahjo hopes that PPK will take strategic steps to resolve non-ASN employees who do not meet the requirements or do not pass the selection of PNS and PPK candidates in accordance with the provisions of the legislation before the deadline of November 28, 2023.

Appointment of employees through the pattern of outsourcing or "outsourcing" as needed is expected to be carried out taking into account finances and in accordance with the characteristics of each ministry/institution/region (K/L/D).

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