JAMBI - The Jambi Corruption Court held a trial on a corruption case involving BUMDes funds in Olak Besar Village, Batanghari Regency, which cost the state Rp. 150 million, in absentia or without the presence of the accused Director of BUMDes Muhammad Atiq.

The Head of Legal Information for the Jambi High Prosecutor's Office, Lexy Fatharani, said that the public prosecutor had read the indictment of the defendant Muhammad Atiq before the Corruption Court without the defendant present.

The case began when the BUMDes Snapu Jaya, Olak Besar Village, received a capital investment of IDR 262 million. However, by Snapu Jaya BUMDes Director, Muhammad Atiq, the funds were used for personal interests, namely the business of sending palm fruit (DO) by depositing regular profits every month.

The results of an audit by the Regional Inspectorate stated that the use of Snapu Jaya BUMDes money was not in accordance with its designation, causing a loss to the state finances of around Rp. 150 million.

Since the case was revealed, until now Atiq has never come to meet the summons of law enforcement, starting from the examination at the prosecutor's office, transferring the case files to the court, to the trial so that the case is tried in absentia.

"The trial in absentia complies with Article 38 Paragraph (1) and takes into account the uncooperativeness of the defendant Muhammad Atiq. We are also still trying to arrest him because the suspect is on the DPO (wanted list)," said Lexy, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, June 8.

The trial of Muhammad Ariq, a resident of Batanghari Regency, Jambi, was held in the Cakra Room of the Corruption Court for the corruption case of the BUMDes Fund, Olak Besar Village, Batin XXIV District, Batanghari Regency.

The trial was opened by the Chief Justice Yofistian and member judges Hiasinta Manalu and Bernard Panjaitan, with the agenda of reading the indictment.

Public Prosecutor Sakti Yuharbi read the indictment without the defendant present. The trial will be resumed on June 15, 2022 with the agenda of examining witnesses.

The Head of Legal Information at the Jambi Prosecutor's Office, Lexy Fatharany, explained that the trial in absentia is regulated by Law Number 31 of 1999 concerning the Eradication of Criminal Acts of Corruption and must meet the requirements, including, among other things, that the perpetrator is not cooperative in the legal process, such as not being present at the investigation stage until the prosecution.

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