JAKARTA - Cows and goats that will be used as sacrificial animals ahead of Eid al-Adha, will undergo a quarantine process provided by the South Jakarta City Government (Pemkot). The quarantine process will take 14 days, then it can be traded.

This is done to prevent the spread of mouth and nail disease (PMK) which has recently hit a number of regions.

The South Jakarta Administration's Food, Maritime, and Agricultural Security Sub-dept., Hasudungan said, this rule applies to sacrificial animals originating from outside DKI Jakarta.

"Yes, let's make traders who want to sell sacrificial animals in South Jakarta or provide an empty place in the Mampang Prapatan area of South Jakarta to serve as a quarantine place for 14 days. Before later before later traded or trafficked. So for 14 days we will check his health," said Hasudungan when contacted, Wednesday, June 8.

He said the vacant land used to carry out the quarantine process could accommodate 500 animals.

"Maybe it can accommodate 500 sacrificial animals," he said.

Regarding the mechanism by which animals are allowed to be traded, it starts with checking their health during the quarantine process. If it is said to be healthy, then it will provide an official letter indicating that the animals are protected from disease.

"(So) there must also be a health certificate from the delivery. Then we check the authenticity of the letter, then we check the type of animal. For example, how many cows are there, things like that must be checked and checked in the field directly according to the letter," he said.

“After that, we put a sticker according to the number of animals there and here also from the type of animal, the number of animals, then the location, then we explain that the animals here are healthy. Later everything will be clearly written on the sticker, the sticker will be big later," said Hasudungan.

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