JAKARTA - Two fires occurred in the East Jakarta area on Tuesday, June 7, evening and Wednesday morning, June 8. The first occurred on top of a communication tower located on Jalan Dato Tonggara, Kramat Jati area, East Jakarta on Tuesday, June 7 at around 22:52 WIB.

The fire was successfully extinguished a few hours later by officers from the East Jakarta Fire and Rescue Service (Sudin Gulkarmat) who arrived at the site of the fire.

"There was a fire igniting above the 40-meter-tall tower and the transformer below igniting. But the fire was extinguished," said Head of East Jakarta Gulkarmat Sub-dept. Gatot Sulaeman, Wednesday, June 8.

Furthermore, a fire at the PLN electricity substation also occurred on Jalan Raya Pier Klender, RT 014/011, Klender Village, Duren Sawit District, East Jakarta on Wednesday, June 8, at around 03.30 WIB.

"The electricity substation area of 100 square meters belonging to PLN caught fire. The cause was a short circuit in the substation," he said.

The fire at the electrical substation was successfully extinguished by 7 personnel with 2 fire engines. The fire started the process of sprinkling water at 03.40 WIB and was successfully extinguished at 04.10 WIB.

"The loss is estimated at IDR 5 million due to the fire at the electrical substation. Thank God, there were no casualties or injuries," he said.

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