JAKARTA - Minister of Defense (Menhan) Prabowo Subianto reminded the Indonesian people to always firmly maintain Pancasila from the influence of other ideologies because the basis of this country can prevent national divisions.

"Pancasila has been proven to unify the nation. So, the essence of my presentation is, if we want to play a role in the world as it should be, we must be strong," Prabowo said when delivering a scientific oration with the theme "Indonesia's Role in Facing Global World Changes in the Next Decade". Pancasila University graduates, as quoted by Antara in a written statement, Tuesday, June 7.

The threat of division, according to him, can come from various things, such as religious issues and the spread of radical teachings so that people should be vigilant.

Regarding efforts to divide national unity through religious issues, Prabowo said all religions teach goodness. Thus, he said, society should not be divided on religious issues.

"All religions teach kindness. If someone teaches hatred, it must have different intentions. Maybe it's a foreign power that wants to divide us," said Prabowo.

Prabowo said the emergence of external threats to divide unity in the country was caused by many parties who wanted Indonesia to become a weak state and nation.

"We must understand that we will always be divided. So, be careful. I want us to continue to maintain harmony and calm. Our politics may compete fiercely, but in the end, we must be cool and we must consider all parties as fellow countrymen. homeland," said Prabowo.

Therefore, to all graduates, Prabowo reminded them never to be invited or fall into radical teachings.

According to Prabowo, these radical teachings are propagated by certain parties because they want to weaken the rich Indonesian nation and state.

"We are always harassed because we are rich. From the first, we were harassed. After the proclamation, we were attacked by the Dutch. There were events in Madiun, the Islamic State of Indonesia (NII), the Republic of South Maluku (RMS), G30S PKI, the Free Papua Organization (OPM), Movement Free Aceh (GAM), and so on. Almost all of them have foreign intervention," said Prabowo.

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