JAKARTA - Chairman of the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) Firli Bahuri said his agency did not want to arrest regional heads for corrupt practices. Thus, the anti-corruption commission continues to seek prevention through education.

"We are not happy if there are village heads, state administrators, regents, governors, mayors who are caught in corruption cases. Therefore we are making public education and prevention efforts," Firli said at the Anti-Corruption Village Pilot Formation event which was broadcast on the KPK RI YouTube, Tuesday. , June 7th.

Specifically for village heads and village officials, Firli detailed that there were 601 corruption cases involving 686 people.

Corruption practices, he continued, usually occur during the planning and budgeting process, application and implementation, implementation to ratification and supervision. The most common corruption is related to the procurement of goods and services, licensing, to buying and selling budgets.

"Well, the KPK has an interest in releasing village heads so that corruption does not occur. We have to stop it," he said.

Furthermore, Firli said the KPK paid great attention to village heads because they would manage a budget of around Rp468 trillion. "We have to make sure that every village head understands how to prepare a work plan rather than a village," he said.

"He must also understand to be responsible for using the budget itself properly, both materially and formally, so that it is far from corrupt acts," added Firli.

Previously, the KPK held a new program entitled Anti-Corruption Village 2022 with the theme 'Starting from Our Village to Make Indonesia Free from Corruption'. This activity was held in Pakatto Village, Bontomarannu District, Gowa Regency, South Sulawesi Province today, Tuesday, June 7.

Acting KPK Spokesperson for Prevention Ipi Maryati said this program aims to spread anti-corruption values and improve village governance with integrity.

"As well as providing understanding and increasing the participation of rural communities in efforts to prevent and eradicate corruption," said Ipi in a written statement.

Apart from Pakatto Village, there are nine other villages that are candidates for pilot corruption villages designated by the KPK, namely Kamang Hilla Village, Kab. Agam – West Sumatra; Hanura Village, Kab. Pesawaran - Lampung; Mungguk Village, Kab. Sekadau - West Kalimantan; Cibiru Wetan Village, Kab. Bandung West Java; Banyubiru Village, Kab. Semarang - Central Java; Sukojati Village, Kab. Banyuwangi - East Java; Kutuh Village, Kab. Badung - Bali; Beetle Village, Kab. East Lombok - NTB; and West Batusoko Village, Kab. Ende - NTT.

The selection of the 10 villages started in early February in four stages. First, the observation stage. The KPK team observed 23 villages in 10 targeted provinces to assess their readiness to become pilot anti-corruption villages. Then obtained 10 selected villages in 10 provinces.

The second stage, is the kick off implementation which starts today and is continued with technical guidance from 8 - 21 June 2022 to all elements of society by providing knowledge and understanding regarding the efforts and steps taken in order to fulfill the anti-corruption village components and indicators.

The third stage, carried out an assessment by the KPK, the Ministry of Villages PDTT, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Home Affairs, consultants and several observers. And the fourth stage, the inauguration of the selected Anti-Corruption Village which will be held in November 2022.

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