KALBAR - Attempts to smuggle 31 kilograms of crystal methamphetamine from Malaysia were thwarted by joint forces. The smugglers used four-wheeled vehicles to go to Pontianak City from areas directly bordering neighboring countries.

The joint apparatus consists of members of the National Narcotics Agency (BNN), the West Kalimantan Police, the Pamtas Task Force and related agencies.

"From this case, we have arrested five suspects, who are currently still in the process of being investigated," said Head of the BNNP for West Kalimantan (Kalbar) Budi Wibowo in Pontianak, Tuesday, June 7.

He explained that the suspects smuggled the 31 methamphetamine from Paloh District, Sambas Regency, which borders Malaysia.

The five suspects who were arrested each had the initials Mul (44) a resident of Mentibar, Paloh District, then Maw (38) a resident of Paloh, SRH (20) a resident of Ranai, Riau Province, EP (20) a resident of Sebubus, Paloh, and Rid (47 ) resident of Siantan Hulu, Pontianak City.

He explained that the disclosure of this methamphetamine smuggling started with the arrest of three suspects in Singkawang City on June 3, 2022, and no evidence has been found, but recordings of the trip from the suspect's cellphone have been found that crossed the Indonesia-Malaysia border.

"After being traced and followed up, the joint team arrested the suspect Mul who was using a four-wheeled vehicle from Paloh to Pontianak City, which contained 30 packs of methamphetamine or a total of 31 kilograms. From the results of the examination, Mul admitted that he was ordered to bring the methamphetamine by the suspect. Rid is in Pontianak," he said.

Then from Rid's examination or confession, the illicit goods were ordered by ER, whose current status is DPO (people wanted list) who is also in pursuit of the joint team.

"In disclosing this case, the suspects are new, but have been in the field of illicit goods for a long time, and according to their confession, the wages they received were Rp. 5 million to Rp. 10 million per kilogram of methamphetamine," he said, as quoted by Antara.

He hopes that eradicating illegal goods will not only be the task of BNNP and other law enforcers, but also a joint task in preventing the entry of narcotics into West Kalimantan.

"We urge the public to report if they see any activity that violates the law, such as drug smuggling to West Kalimantan," he concluded.

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