MAKASSAR - The Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) of Makassar City has stopped handling reports from the team of M Ramdhan 'Danny' Pomanto-Fatmawati Rusdi (Adama) against Erwin Aksa. Erwin Aksa, commander of the Munafri Arifuddin-Abdul Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman) winning team, was reportedly accused of carrying out a black campaign.

"Stop discussing two," said Makassar Bawaslu commissioner Zulfikarnain when confirmed by VOI, Thursday, October 22.

Zul said the Adama team report was stopped because there was insufficient evidence of Erwin Aksa's alleged violation.

"There is not enough evidence for a criminal election," he continued.

Previously, the attorney for candidate pair number 1, Danny-Fatma, reported Erwin Aksa to Bawaslu because he was deemed to have carried out a black campaign. Erwin was reported as the head of the winning team for the candidate for Mayor of Makassar, Munafri-Rahman Bando.

The Danny-Fatma camp believes Erwin's statement quoted in several mass media has attacked honor and could harm Danny-Fatma who participated in the Makassar Pilwalkot contest.

One of Danny-Fatma's attorneys, Ilham Harjuna, explained that the reporting was made because Erwin Aksa's statement was considered to be harmful and tarnished the good name of the Danny-Fatma candidate.

"Danny as a candidate for mayor has lost his trust and may not be selected by the Makassar residents who had read the news from Erwin's statement as the team leader against Danny-Fatma," said Ilham.

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