JAKARTA - The Central Leadership Council (MPP) of the Islamic Da'wah Council (MDI) said it would be at the forefront of efforts to stop division, division of society and the practice of compartmentalizing society. General Chairperson KH M Choirul Anam in his statement received in Jakarta Monday, June 6. He also said that MDI is required to keep up with the times and become a propaganda medium that unites the people and creates a cool atmosphere. ukhuwah Islamiyah, including the United Indonesia Coalition (KIB) which just conducted silatnas," he said. Choirul Anam said this during the inauguration of the board and the 44th anniversary of the Islamic Da'wah Council at the Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School, Jakarta. He is MDI Airlangga Hartarto, Indonesian Minister of Industry Agus Gumiw ang Kartasasmita, Deputy Speaker of the Indonesian House of Representatives Lodwijk F Paulus and Asshiddiqiyah Islamic Boarding School Caretaker KH Ahmad Mahrus Iskandar and the entire MDI board of directors. Islamic boarding schools to appreciate the services of the scholars who previously founded MDI. "The management of the MPP MDI is also filled by scholars, students and activists from various Islamic organizations," he said. Meanwhile, Airlangga who is also the General Chair of the Golkar Party congratulated the inauguration of the MPP MDI The assembly led by KH Choirul Anam as General Chair and KH Hasan Nuri Hidayatullah as Chair of the Munadzim Assembly and the entire management of MDI. in fighting for the aspirations of Muslims through the Party i Golkar," he said. MDI said Airlangga was an Islamic organization, an organization that became a forum for the struggle for Islamic da'wah in accordance with Golkar's ideals in the religious field.

"Even though it is not a religious party, the Golkar Party upholds religious values. The Golkar Party encourages, like the first Pancasila precepts, Belief in One Supreme God," he said. The Coordinating Minister for the Economy of the Republic of Indonesia also hopes that MDI will become the main driving force for peaceful, moderate or wasathiyah Islamic da'wah, tolerant and inclusive to strengthen the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI). . Because in principle, the teachings of Islam teach peace and unity. "Not an angry da'wah, not a da'wah that divides, but a merciful Islam. Islam that teaches compassion for others. Islam rahmatan lil alamin (grace to the universe), For that, Airlangga continued, MDI must also strengthen its role to encourage religious education in Islamic boarding schools, madrasas and other educational institutions. and the same mission in spreading Islam rahmatan lil alamin in our beloved Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia," he said. The government has encouraged the development of education in madrasas and Islamic boarding schools, and has also encouraged community welfare based on the economic empowerment of the people. This, said Airlangga, shows that the government is very concerned about Muslims. Therefore, he really hopes that the Islamic Da'wah Council (MDI) will play an active role in the economic development of the people so that the welfare of Muslims in Indonesia, who are the majority, can be realized.

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