Flock Of Thieves Breaks Into Basic Food Store In Matraman, Broken Fence Padlock And CCTV Camera, Store Owner Loss Rp240 Million
Illustration of a disastrous robbery. (photo: doc. pixabay)

JAKARTA - A gang of specialist thefts managed to break into a basic food shop located on Jalan Pandan Raya, Matraman, East Jakarta.

The shop owner named Aman Harahap (49) said that as a result of the incident he suffered material losses of up to Rp 240 million.

"The cigarettes and cash amounted to around Rp. 2 million. How many cartons of cigarettes were there. That was a lot. The cigarettes were in the box, I have opened some of the boxes," the victim told reporters on Sunday, June 5.

The break-in and theft at his shop were first discovered because of reports from neighbors.

"The shop closed at around 23.00 WIB at night. Then we rested. Around 05.00 WIB in the morning, neighbors notified the house that the shop fence was open," he said.

According to Aman, the gang of thieves was found to have damaged the fence locks and shop doors during their action. In addition, the thief also damaged the surveillance camera footage installed by CCTV in several corners of the shop to eliminate any traces of his actions.

"There are four locks and one key to the rolling door. So there are five locks, and the CCTV cannot be opened because the recorder has been taken," he said.

As a result of this incident, the victim claimed to have reported to the Matraman Police. Meanwhile, the case is still under investigation by the Matraman Police Criminal Investigation Unit.

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