Woman Victim Of Car Robbery At Ciracas Gas Station Turns Out To Be Attacked By Men With Disabilities
The suspect in the car robbery at a gas station in the Ciracas area, East Jakarta/ Photo: Rizky Sulistio/ VOI

JAKARTA - The East Jakarta Metro Police Criminal Investigation Unit managed to apprehend the perpetrator of the robbery of a sedan type car with the initials RA (43) in the Kranggan area, Bekasi, Friday afternoon, June 3.

It was later discovered that the perpetrator of the robbery with the initials RA was a person with a disability. Even so, this did not dampen the perpetrator's evil intentions at the gas station in the Ciracas area, East Jakarta on Thursday, June 2 night.

East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budi said the perpetrator had problems in his right leg, but he was determined to rob and torture the victim, Lila Nurfitria, the owner of a sedan.

Even the victim was abused by being hit in the car by the perpetrator. The victim at that time tried to prevent the speed of his car by sitting on the hood of the front car but the victim fell because he could not hold on.

"If you look at the conditions, the perpetrators have a lack of leg defects. With these limitations, it turns out that the perpetrators can indeed commit (crimes)," said East Jakarta Metro Police Chief Kombes Budi to VOI, Friday, June 3, evening.

The suspect was arrested after the police received a report from the victim after the incident.

"After the victim fell, the victim reported to the police on Friday, June 3, at 3 am. We formed a joint team from the Resort Police and the Sector Police, in less than 1 x 24 hours we secured the perpetrators in the Kranggan area, Bekasi," he said.

When the arrest was made, the police also confiscated evidence of the car confiscated by the perpetrator along with the car keys and documents.

"The car has been taken away by the perpetrator. We found the suspect and his car," he said.

Currently, the perpetrators are still in the process of being investigated at the East Jakarta Police Satreskrim.

"Because we were just arrested earlier, we are still investigating. There could be another crime scene. The perpetrator himself. He always uses an online taxi to go to the victim's house," he said.

Even from the perpetrator's confession, in every action he always uses a cane to help walk.

“The suspect in the crime is still using a crutches (to walk). As a result of the abuse, the victim suffered bruises on his legs from falling from the car and injuries from a blow from the perpetrator's hand," he explained.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrators of AR were charged with multiple articles, namely Article 365 of the Criminal Code and Article 351 of the Criminal Code with a threat of imprisonment of more than 9 years.

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