TANGERANG - At least two heavy equipment (backhoes) in the land-filling project in Sukabakti Village, Curug District, Tangerang Regency, Thursday, May 3rd, were sealed by the local Civil Service Police Unit (Satpol PP).

"Based on reports from residents, this backfill causes the road to become slippery, and this is very dangerous for the community. So we close this backfill (activity) and we seal the heavy equipment," said Head of Tangerang Regency Satpol PP, Fachrul Rozi in Tangerang, Friday, June 3 .

He explained that the action against this land-filling activity is a firm step by the government in taking action against business actors who violate Regional Regulation (Perda) No. 20 of 2004 concerning Public Order and Order in the Tangerang Regency area.

"We will temporarily seal it until the inspection process is complete. If (the person in charge of land reclamation) does not have a permit, we will give strict sanctions," he said.

In addition, the actions taken by the local Satpol PP were the aftermath of a protest action by residents who felt disturbed by the land reclamation activity.

"The existence of this project, residents also complained because these activities make the roads become slippery so that it can cause accidents," he said.

He also appealed to entrepreneurs or owners of land-filling projects to comply with applicable regulations and are expected to complete development project standards by not polluting the surrounding environment.

"For the public, if they find something disturbing and disturbing public order, immediately report it to us," he said.

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