JAKARTA - Garut Police have deployed a number of personnel from the Traffic Unit to anticipate students committing convoys and other road violations during the momentum of high school and vocational high school graduation.

"We have anticipated, we are preparing members in the field to anticipate a convoy of students celebrating graduation," said Head of the Garut Police Traffic Unit AKP Law Syarif Hidayat to reporters in Garut, Thursday, June 2, quoted from Antara.

The Garut Police Traffic Unit has coordinated with the high school and vocational school level regarding the anticipation of the student convoy celebrating school graduation.

The result of coordination, the announcement of graduation will only be attended by parents. Meanwhile, students are not allowed to come to school to prevent crowds that could potentially lead to convoys or uniform doodles.

"So the graduation announcement was only attended by parents, they were not allowed to attend school," he said.

He hopes that the presence of personnel deployed in every neighborhood around the school or points that are often used as a gathering place for students can prevent convoy activities.

In addition, he continued, a number of personnel will also carry out patrols using four-wheeled or two-wheeled vehicles to ensure that no students are convoyed on the highway.

"I hope there will be no convoys, I urge those who are going to carry out graduations so that they don't do uniforms, or convoys," he said.

If there are students who are in a convoy and violate traffic rules, he said, strict action will be taken according to the rules, namely a ticket, then the vehicle will be taken to the Garut Police Station.

"If anyone violates, a fine will be done, and the vehicle will be brought to the office," he said.

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