PONTIANAK - The West Kalimantan (West Kalimantan) Regional Police team arrested six perpetrators of theft of luggage belonging to Lion Air passengers.

"Today we arrested six perpetrators of theft of luggage belonging to passengers of an airline," said Director of Criminal Investigation at the West Kalimantan Police Kombes Aman Guntoro in Pontianak as reported by Antara, Thursday, June 2.

The six perpetrators of the theft were arrested at two crime scenes. They were named as suspects.

"The evidence that was successfully secured was a bracelet, a gray-green suitcase, a Lion Air JT 725 Boarding Pass, and other evidence," he said.

The modus operandi of the suspects in stealing the victim's belongings was by piercing the zipper of the victim's suitcase and taking valuables inside.

The suspects are threatened with Article 363 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 55 of the Criminal Code with a maximum imprisonment of seven years in prison.

He appealed to people who travel by plane to bring valuables by bringing them into the aircraft cabin.

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