JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta Governor Anies Baswedan told about the difficulties he, the organizers, and the organizing committee had in planning the Formula E race to be held on Saturday, June 4 this week.
This was conveyed by Anies in a meet and greet event for Formula E drivers in the National Monument (Monas) area.
Anies said that the decision to hold a Formula E race had been made in 2019. It turned out that at the beginning of 2020, the world was facing a COVID-19 pandemic situation. In fact, the original plan was that Formula E would be held in June 2020.
"I remember the conversation with Alberto (Co-Founder of Formula E) in April 2020. It was a difficult situation. We had to decide the fate of the race because the pandemic was in sight", said Anies at the location, Thursday, June 2.
Anies also decided to postpone the race for 2 years. At the time of this decision, the situation was still a pandemic. However, preparations for the implementation of racing are still being carried out until finally Formula E can be held.
"This is the day we have been waiting for more than three years. This is the day all preparations have been completed. Finally, we can race on June 4", said Anies.

Anies said the electric car racing event in the Ancol area could later serve as a message to the world that Jakarta could become an environmentally friendly city.
"Formula E has a strong message. We can send a message to the world that Jakarta and Indonesia are responsible citizens for the environment in the future", he said.
In the meet and greet event this afternoon, one of the Mercedes EQ Formula E Team drivers, Nyck De Vries, also performed a drifting attraction in the courtyard of the Monas area. Here, Anies plays the role of waving the signal flag before the Formula E car demonstration is carried out.
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