JAKARTA - DKI Jakarta is prioritizing the provision of the COVID-19 vaccine for health workers (health workers). Meanwhile, officials within the provincial government (pemprov) are said to be the last to receive the vaccine.

"Of course there are priorities (vaccines). The priority is of course health workers such as doctors and nurses. Their main priority is the latter," said DKI Jakarta Deputy Governor Ahmad Riza Patria at Jakarta City Hall, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, October 20.

Riza said that the distribution of the COVID-19 vaccine in Jakarta is under the authority of the central government through the National Task Force for Handling COVID-19.

"Later from the central government. We are waiting and related (vaccine distribution) to the authority of the central government. Later we will see that we will fully submit it to the central task force," he said.

Meanwhile, Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force, Dr. Reisa Brotoasmoro, asked the public to no longer doubt the benefits of the COVID-19 vaccine that the government will provide.

According to him, the vaccine that will be given has gone through a rigorous clinical trial phase accompanied by supervision from government authorities and international institutions in charge of health.

Vaccines are a form of effort to make the body immune to fight disease.

"This is a precaution so that people do not need to be exposed to disease first to develop immunity or immunity," said Reisa, Monday, October 19.

The VOI editorial team will continue to monitor all developments made by the world to fight COVID-19 through vaccines. Dear readers, can monitor the development of the COVID-19 vaccine procurement, both domestically and internationally, by touching this link.

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