SURABAYA - The Search and Rescue (SAR) team evacuated four crew members of the "Zidane Express" ship in safe condition, after the previous day it was reported that they had lost contact in the waters around Sapeken Island, Sumenep Regency, Madura Island, East Java. Surabaya Hari Adi Purnomo explained that the 20 meter x 3.5 meter cargo ship was operated by four crew members. 3' 59.35 "E," he said, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, May 31. The coordinate point is about 63 nautical miles from Boom Beach Banyuwangi, East Java, or 61 nautical miles from Sapeken Island, Sumenep Regency. "When found, the four crew members survived by floating using stereofoam," he said. Express” was recorded as a resident of Sapeken Island, Sumenep Regency in the Madura Island area. Each of them is the owner of the Ali Sabibi ship, as well as three other crew members, namely Rusiyadi, Moh Ajim and Ansori. Hari confirmed that the four crew members had been evacuated to the island. Sapeken. "The crew of the MJW Motorboat did first aid to four crew members last night. We have evacuated to Sapeken Island and arrived there at around 22.00 WIB," he said.

Previously, during the search process, the SAR officers dispatched the KN SAR 234 Antasena Team and had posted the incident of the disappearance of the “Zidane Express” to ships passing around the search area. to several parties, such as BP Migas, Maleo Drilling in the south of Sapudi Island and Kangean Energy Indonesia Drilling or KEI," said Head of Section (Kasi) Operations of the Surabaya SAR Office I Wayan Suyatna. SAR Denpasar, BPBD Sumenep Regency, Syahbandar Kalianget, Syahbandar Sapeken, BP Migas, SROP Surabaya, VTS Surabaya and other SAR potential.

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