JAKARTA - Viral on social media about the confession of a young man named Fahri Fadilah Nur Rizki who stated that there were irregularities in the admissions of NCO students at Polda Metro Jaya. The oddity was because his name was suddenly changed to another participant. The young man's confession was uploaded by the NasDem politician's Instagram account @hillarybrigitta. In the video recording, Fahri said that he had been thwarted even though he had already passed. He was ranked 35th out of 1,200 potential NCO students. Fahri's name was replaced by another prospective student who had previously been declared unsuccessful or failed. Responding to the viral video, the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan stated that the reason the young man did not qualify was because he did not meet the requirements, Monday (30/5). One of them chassis experienced partial color blindness. Watch the next video.

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