JAYAPURA - Pilgrims from Jayapura Regency, Papua Province, will depart for Saudi Arabia on June 28, 2022 according to the local Ministry of Religion Office. This year's visit to the Holy Land includes 25 people. "We pray that the departure will go according to plan, namely on June 28, 2022," said Head of the Jayapura Regency Ministry of Religion Office, Steven Wonmaly. Lucky to be able to go to the Holy Land this time," he said as quoted by Antara. He explained that all members of the Jayapura Regency Hajj pilgrims, which consisted of 13 women and 12 men, had received the full dose of COVID-19 vaccination. "They have all received the COVID-19 vaccination. 19 with a complete dose, so just be ready to go as planned," he said. Steven said that jama Hajj pilgrims from Bumi Kenembai Umbai will depart for the Holy Land via the Makassar Embarkation in South Sulawesi.

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