TANGERANG - One house sold out in the area of Jalan Raden Fatah, Ciledug, Tangerang City. The incident was suspected because the house owner's son was playing with matches.

Head of Emergency and Logistics of Tangerang City A Ghufron Falfeli said the incident occurred on Monday, May 30, at 10:05 WIB.

The incident began when the child of the owner of the house played with matches and hit the mattress.

"A house caught fire, temporarily suspected because the house owner's son played with matches and fell onto the mattress," said Ghufron when contacted by VOI, Monday, May 30.

A total of 10 personnel were deployed by the Tangerang City fire department. The results at 10.40 WIB, his party was able to extinguish the fire.

"The fire was successfully extinguished at 10.40 WIB, by deploying 10 personnel from 2 fire stations," he said.

There were no casualties in the fire incident. However, the loss is estimated at hundreds of millions of rupiah.

"Losses are approximately Rp. 200 million," he concluded.

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