TANGERANG - The Tangerang Regency Government (Pemkab) through the Tangerang Regency Population and Civil Registration Office (Disdukcapil) said that the implementation of the two-word Identity Card (KTP) was only applied to new residents.

The Head of the Population Identity Section said that this rule is contained in Permendagri number 73 of 2022 concerning recording names on population documents.

"Resident documents are only valid for new residents or residents who have not previously been officially registered," said Nuryali when confirmed, Monday, May 30.

However, if the number of names is only in one syllable, then it is still allowed and there is no need to change the name.

"Moreover, if the resident already has a name on a diploma or degree. Then, it will make it difficult to make changes. So we do not apply new rules," he said.

On that occasion, Nuryali said that her party had carried out and followed the rules of the central government, both technically and socially.

"We have also tried outreach, to residents who attend the service. We will explain according to applicable regulations," he concluded.

Previously, the Director General of Dukcapil of the Ministry of Home Affairs, Zudan A Fakrulloh, explained that the reason for the minimum of two words was to think about and prioritize the future of children early.

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