JAKARTA - A minimarket on Jalan RC Veteran Raya, Bintaro, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta was burglarized. The action was captured on CCTV installed behind the minimarket cashier counter.

In the video, the perpetrator turns on the light from his cellphone, the perpetrator looks busy walking around the cashier counter area. Then the perpetrator was seen taking some items and leaving the mini market.

The Head of Pesanggrahan Police, Kompol Nazirwan, said the incident occurred on Wednesday, May 25, at 05.00 WIB. The perpetrators stole money worth Rp. 900 thousand.

"IDR 900 thousand in cash and items such as cigarettes," said Nazirwan when confirmed, Monday, May 30.

Nazirwan said the police were conducting an investigation based on a report made by the minimarket.

"Already (made a report). Still an investigation," he concluded.

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