JAKARTA - Commission VIII of the Indonesian House of Representatives held a working meeting with the Minister of Religion Yaqut Cholil Qoumas and the Head of the Hajj Financial Management Agency (BPKH) at the DPR Building, Monday, May 30. This meeting has an agenda for discussing preparations for the implementation of Ibadan Haji 1443 H/2022 AD.

"Today's meeting has strategic value in terms of supervising the implementation of Hajj and Umrah," said Chairman of Commission VIII DPR RI Yandri Susanto during a meeting at the DPR Building, Senayan, Jakarta, May 30.

According to Yandri, the implementation of Hajj and Umrah in 1443 H this year is quite difficult to convince Saudi Arabia that Indonesia is able to protect the pilgrims. "For this reason, Commission VIII wants to hear an explanation regarding the preparations carried out both in terms of aspects of coaching, service and protection," he said.

In today's meeting, the Chairman of Commission VIII of the DPR RI also announced the rotation and addition of new members. First, member of the Golkar faction, Jhon Kenedy Azis, who was rotated from Commission II to Commission VIII, replaced Anang Susanto.

"Before we continue, Mr. Minister, there is an addition or transfer of members. First, from the Golkar faction, this old resident, actually Mr. Jhon Kenedy Azis, briefly stopped by Commission II," said Yandri.

Second, the member of the PKB faction, Luqman Hakim, who was recently rotated from Deputy Chair of Commission II of the DPR to become a member of Commission IX, is now an additional member of Commission VIII of the DPR.

"The second from the PKB faction, namely Mr. Luqman Hakim, was the same as previously in Commission II, this is the Central Java Region 6. Previously, Mr. Jhon West Sumatra 2. This is the addition of this player from the PKB faction," he said.

Third, member of the PAN faction's Commission II, Ibnu Mahmud Bilalludin, is a member of Commission VIII of the DPR from previously Commission II of the DPR.

"The third is from the PAN faction, namely the addition of Mr. Ibnu Mahmud Bilalludin, member number A-503 from the DIY electoral district, previously in Commission II. So all three are in Commission II. Congratulations to the members," said Yandri.

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