YOGYAKARTA - The Provincial National Narcotics Agency (BNNP) of the Special Region of Yogyakarta intensified the formation of a community-based intervention team (IBM) at the village level to suppress drug users in this province. "We hope that every year the number of IBM cadres increases," said BNN DIY Rehabilitation Coordinator Windy Elfasari in Yogyakarta, Monday, May 30. According to Windy, the formation of IBM cadres was in line with the implementation of the Clean Drug Village (Bersinar) program. In Yogyakarta, IBM was formed in the villages of Brontokusuman, Keparakan, Tegalrejo, and Bener, among others. Next in the villages of Wonosari (Gunung Kidul), Wates and Jatisarono (Kulon Progo), Banguntapan and Mulyodadi (Bantul), and Condongcatur, Wedomartani, and Banyuraden (Sleman). rehabilitation for drug users at least who are not yet addicts," he said as quoted by Antara. IBM cadres, said Windy, are also tasked with educating the public so as not to isolate drug users in their respective environments. Drugs are like people who are sick and get help immediately. "Forming the mindset of the community that they need help, not being ostracized or considered trash," he said.

Although it doesn't cover all villages, according to Windy, IBM's presence is enough to help the rehabilitation program promoted by the DIY BNNP. During the first quarter of 2022, he noted that 664 narcotics and illegal drug users in DIY accessed rehabilitation services. The prevalence of drug users in DIY refers to research conducted BNN periodically in 2019 reached 2.30 percent or as many as 18,082 people from the total population. The obstacle to the rehabilitation program, he said, was triggered by the lack of information from its users and the low level of family concern. In addition, not a few drug users or addicts think that In fact, he said, apart from being free, Law Number 35 of 2009 concerning Narcotics has guaranteed that narcotics users undergoing rehabilitation are guaranteed to be free from legal entanglements. "Sometimes addicts, especially users, If you've only used it once, you don't feel like it's a problem yet I don't feel the need for rehabilitation yet," he said.

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