PADANG - The Regional Disaster Management Agency (BPBD) of Padang City, West Sumatra recorded 20 fallen trees in the area due to the extreme weather that hit.

The manager of the Padang City BPBD BPBD's Pusdalops, Basri, said that since the evening of Friday, May 27, BPBD had cleared 18 fallen trees in Padang.

"There are a total of 20 fallen trees in Padang and we are trying to evacuate," he said, quoted by Antara, Saturday, May 28.

Trees fell due to rain accompanied by strong winds that occurred Friday night until Saturday morning, hitting houses and closing access roads.

"We have cleaned it from last night until this afternoon," he said.

There are three distribution points of fallen trees, namely Kuranji District, one point in Lubuk Begalung District and one point where there are two fallen trees in Lubuk Kilangan District.

Meanwhile in North Padang District there is one fallen tree, one tree in West Padang and three fallen trees in West Padang District. Then four trees fell in Koto Tangah District.

"We make sure that the evacuation goes well and smoothly, whether it hits houses or hinders community road access so that it can be passed again," he said.

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