JAKARTA - The Traffic Directorate of Polda Metro Jaya appealed to vehicle users to avoid the Merdeka Palace area, Central Jakarta, Tuesday, following a demonstration involving a number of elements of society.

"The public is expected to avoid the roads around the Merdeka Palace area because the traffic flow to the Palace will be completely closed and will be diverted," said Traffic Director of Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Pol Sambodo Purnomo Yogo in Jakarta, reported by Antara, October 20.

The crowd was scheduled to gather in the Taman Pandang area, Jalan Medan Merdeka, Central Jakarta, at 10.00 WIB to voice their aspirations against the Job Creation Law.

They come from labor, student, youth organizations to community organizations (mass organizations) in the Jakarta and surrounding areas.

Illustration (Photo: Antara)

Following are the closure and diversion of traffic flow around the Merdeka Palace:

1. The traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya which will go to Jalan Veteran III is straightened to the traffic light (TL) Harmoni.

2. The traffic flow from Jalan Merdeka Timur going to Jalan Medan Merdeka Utara is diverted to the right onto Jalan Perwira.

3. The flow of traffic from Jalan Ridwan Rais going to Jalan Medan Merdeka Selatan is straightened to Jalan Medan Merdeka Timur.

4. The traffic flow from Jalan MH Thamrin which will go to the Horse Statue Roundabout is turned left or right on Jalan Kebon Sirih.

5. The traffic flow from Jalan Abdul Muis which will turn left to Jalan Budi Kemulia is straightened to Jalan Fachrudin and the traffic flow from Jalan Fachrudin which will turn right to Jalan Budi Kemulia is being straightened to Jalan Adul Muis.

6. The traffic flow from Jalan Tanah Abang II which will go straight to Jalan Museum is turned left or right, the traffic flow from Jalan Majapahit which will turn left to Jalan Museum is straightened to Jalan Abdul Muis and traffic flow from Jalan Abdul Muis who will turn right onto Jalan Muesum and straighten to Jalan Majapahit.

7. The traffic flow from Jalan Hayam Wuruk which will go straight to Jalan Majapahit will turn left to Jalan Juanda and the traffic flow from Jalan Veteran Raya which will turn left to Jalan Majapahit will be straightened to Jalan Suryo Pranoto or turn right on Jalan Gajah Mada.

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