MAKASSAR - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) Region IV Makassar, predicts that the weather has started to improve after heavy to moderate rains for the past two days in a number of areas in South Sulawesi.

"The potential for moderate to heavy rain is predicted to occur until today. For tomorrow, for the next three days the weather has started to become conducive with generally sunny and cloudy weather," said Forecaster, Forecaster of BMKG Region IV Makassar, Asriani Idrus as reported by Antara, Friday, May 27. .

He said that although cloudy skies are predicted for the next few days, there is still the potential for light rain in several areas in South Sulawesi.

Regarding the condition of the cold weather since yesterday, until today, he said, it was still triggered by heavy to moderate rain. This is due to the rossby waves that have the potential to increase the growth of rain clouds.

Regarding the rain that still occurs in the middle of the transition from the rainy season to the dry season, Asriani explained, from a temporary analysis, there are several factors that can trigger the current condition.

"First, the sea surface temperature conditions in the southern Makassar Strait are warm between 30-31 degrees Celsius. And when compared to the average, the temperature above is warmer by approximately 1.5 to 2.0 degrees," he said.

In addition, the second factor is that there is a wind bend in the Makassar Strait, resulting in a slowdown in air masses over the South Sulawesi region. The third factor, from a regional scale, is the Equatorial Rossby wave which is active in the Sulawesi region.

Rossby's equatorial wave, said Asriani, is an atmospheric wave phenomenon that occurs in the fluid (atmosphere/ocean) which rotates in pairs.

These waves move westward around the equator. Thus, the rossby wave can cause the area in its path to have the potential to increase the growth of convective (rainy) clouds such as cumulonimbus, which supports evaporation or the supply of water vapor in the air is accommodated quite a lot.

"Those three factors work together to increase the growth of rain clouds in South Sulawesi, especially the western part," he explained.

In addition, the increase in sea surface temperature is also another cause of high rainfall. This is due to a bend in the wind that makes rain clouds gather in the western part of South Sulawesi.

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