JAKARTA - Polda Metro Jaya submitted the investigation files of John Kei and six of his men along with evidence to the DKI Jakarta High Court. The delegation is carried out after their files are complete or P21 stage 2.

Deputy Director of the Directorate of General Criminal Investigation of Polda Metro Jaya, AKBP Jean Calvjin Simanjuntak said, the files of the suspects who were transferred were perpetrators of persecution that led to murder.

"We explain that the handover of the suspects and the 7 suspects is the domain of focus at the first crime scene in Kosambi with the victim (who died)," Calvjin told reporters, Monday, October 19.

Of the seven suspects, said Calvjin, five of them were the executors of the persecution. While the rest are the masterminds of evil.

"Two of them are mastermind who are first JK (John Kei) and the second suspect is DF," he said.

With the delegation, a total of 37 suspects have been transferred to be tried immediately. Dozens of suspects came from two cases, namely the destruction and attack of the Nus Kei group with 29 suspects and the rest were related to cases of persecution.

"There is still one FR suspect who is in the prosecutor's research process," he said.

John Kei and 38 of his men were arrested for assault and assault on the Nus Kei group.

The attack was carried out at Duri Kosambi, Cengkareng, West Jakarta. In this case, a subordinate of Nus Kei with the initials ER died with stab wounds all over his body.

Meanwhile, the attack took place at Nus Kei's residence in the Australian Cluster, Green Lake, Tanggerang, on June 21, 2020.

Based on the results of the investigation, the motive behind the attack and torture was because John Kei felt betrayed by Nus Kei regarding the distribution of the proceeds from the sale of a plot of land in Ambon.

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