JAKARTA - A history teacher in France, Samuel Paty was beheaded by his pupil after showing a caricature of the Prophet Muhammad. In-depth investigations are now being carried out by the authorities into Muslim communities in the country.

Launching Reuters on Monday, October 19, French Interior Minister Gerald Darmanin said that resolving the case as soon as possible is important to avoid the perception of hatred towards Muslims themselves. The police, he said, had carried out an investigation into 80 Muslim groups.

"Police operations have taken place and more will happen involving dozens of people," he told Europe 1 radio.

More than that. A police source told Reuters that France was preparing to evict 231 foreigners from France. They are people who are thought to be involved in extremist agendas and activities. Even so, it was not clear whether the expulsion was connected to the investigation that Darmanin had mentioned.

Paty's beheaders sparked outrage across France. French President Emmanuel Macron and a series of politicians have also expressed condemnation.

Paty's murder began when Paty showed a cartoon of the Prophet Muhammad SAW in front of the class. Paty said this was done to give lessons about freedom of expression to her students. However, the resistance and uproar that emerged from Paty's attitude was in fact enormous.

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