JAKARTA - Home Affairs Minister Tito Karnavian asked the managers of entertainment venues not to hold events, causing crowds to take leave with the Prophet Muhammad's birthday, 30 October 2020.

"We will tell all regions and forkopimda to identify vacation spots and how much capacity to arrange so there are no crowds, maybe by reducing capacity, there is no activity," said Tito Karnavian in a press conference at the president's office regarding collective leave in the midst of the pandemic. COVID-19 was reported by Antara , Monday, October 19.

Tito conveyed a warning regarding the impact of the joint leave after attending a limited meeting with the topic "Anticipating the Spread of Covid-19 During the Long Holiday at the End of October 2020" led by President Joko Widodo.

Based on the Presidential Decree of the Republic of Indonesia Number 17 of 2020 concerning Joint Leave of State Civil Service Employees in 2020, it was decided that 28 and 30 October 2020 (Wednesday and Friday) as leave with the Prophet Muhammad SAW's birthday.

"For Wednesday and Thursday the police will not give permission for crowd activities with music, large groups and others. We will take that step, but again the forkopimda (regional leadership coordination forum) plays a very important role, those who know exactly where they are. where is the point, "said Tito.

For people who decide to go to entertainment venues, Tito also asked for restraint so as not to crowd.

"This is for the safety of fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters together with their families. We remember the family cluster, one is affected by all of them, therefore refrain from having a vacation to a place where there will be a lot of crowds, such as Puncak (West Java) for example, or in Bandung area, on the beach, and others, "said Tito.

Tito also hopes that the community can carry out a PCR test before going out of town because with a negative PCR test result, it can convince themselves not to transmit COVID-19 to families at their destination outside the city.

Regarding cultural activities to commemorate the birthday of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, the Minister of Home Affairs also asked not to create a crowd.

"Traditional and cultural activities, if they are carried out, should, not better, at best, without a crowd. Again, it is not disrespectful to that tradition, but this is a different situation, the COVID-19 pandemic, don't let us become victims, our brothers become victims, "said Tito.

Tito also ordered forkopimda to build relationships with community leaders so that the holding of cultural activities temporarily during the pandemic was not carried out because they would become a crowd.

"Then please also health protocols, put on masks, keep your distance, wash your hands, this really has to be implemented. Hazards may occur in tourist attractions, therefore, these tourist spots must really be discussed by the regional head, with forkompimda, the management of tourist attractions will not have a massive crowd, "said Tito.

According to him, the capacity of tourist attractions is also not allowed to exceed 30-50 percent and visitors enter in waves.

As of Sunday, October 18, the number of confirmed COVID-19 in Indonesia reached 361,867 people with an additional 4,105 patients with 64,032 active cases. There were 285,324 people declared cured and 12,511 people died, while the number of suspect patients reached 159,715 people.

Positive cases of COVID-19 in DKI Jakarta have reached 94,327, followed by East Java with 48,932 patients, West Java with 30,254 patients, Central Java with 29,079 patients, and South Sulawesi with 17,483 patients.

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