JAKARTA - A construction worker with the initials SA (31) died after being electrocuted on Jalan Jempang, Tanah Abang District, Central Jakarta, Wednesday, May 25.

"He was a worker at the location, then he was doing repairs. There were several repairs at the location where he worked," said the Head of Criminal Investigation at the Tanah Abang Metro Police AKP Fiernando Ardiansyah, Wednesday, May 24.

SA was found dead at around 13.30 WIB. The incident is known from public reports that there were victims who died due to electric shock.

Fiernando explained that initially SA was doing building repairs on a house on Jalan Jempang. The victim was asked by his foreman to repair the electrical cable that had been disturbed in the building.

"One of the repairs is that there is a building or side of the wall that has an electrical problem, so that the boss or the foreman was ordered to repair it and at the time of repairing the victim was found dead," he said.

Currently, the case is still under investigation by the Tanah Abang Metro Police. Police are also still examining the foreman who ordered the victim.

"For the exact cause of death of the victim, waiting for the results from the RSCM," he said.

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