PALU - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) stated that five areas in Central Sulawesi still have the potential to rain with heavy intensity in the next three days from the results of weather forecasts.

"The five areas in question are Donggala, Poso, Morowali, North Morowali and Banggai regencies and their status is on alert for heavy rain," said BMKG Meteorological Station Class II forecaster Mutiara Sis Al-Jufri Palu Fathan, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, May 25.

According to him, areas still have the potential for heavy rains to be aware of the impact of the heavy rains, especially residents who live on riverbanks and mountain slopes.

Because, it is possible that there will be impacts caused by rain, such as landslides or puddles of water in certain places and fallen trees.

"Anticipation is necessary, so it takes the active role of each local government in disseminating weather information, while we update the information every day," said Fathan.

Based on BMKG monitoring, air masses from the Southeast still exist, resulting in high cloud growth which has a direct impact on Central Sulawesi.

Although the potential for heavy rain is still there, the BMKG said this situation was still in the normal category.

"Rain with moderate and heavy intensity does not rule out the possibility of spreading to other areas. We urge residents to always monitor weather information through the BMKG official website as well as information from the regional government and stakeholders in the field of disaster," said Fathan.

Rain with moderate to heavy intensity at this time usually occurs in the afternoon, evening and night with varying duration.

"We also urge coastal residents and fishermen to pay more attention to wave height. If there is a buildup of black clouds, it is better to move to the beach," said Fathan.

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