JAKARTA - The NasDem Party is heating up the political machine in preparation for the 2024 presidential election ahead of the National Working Meeting which will be held in June. The National Working Meeting created by Surya Paloh will determine the political direction as well as the figure of the presidential candidate to be carried.

Member of the House of Representatives from the NasDem faction Muhammad Farhan said his party is currently seeking the names of presidential candidates from all DPWs of the NasDem Party. He revealed that there were two popular names that appeared to be proposed as presidential candidates.

"If you look closely, there are two names that have just been discussed to become presidential candidates who may be proposed at the NasDem Party National Working Meeting in Jakarta later," Farhan said in a written statement, Wednesday, May 25.

The two names are the TNI Commander Andika Perkasa and the Deputy Speaker of the DPR from NasDem Rachmat Gobel. Farhan said Andika represented a cadre of national leaders from the TNI. Meanwhile, Rahmat Gobel represents a cadre of national leaders from Eastern Indonesia.

"The dynamics of the emergence of the two new names have made the presidential race very interesting," he said.

Farhan ensured that NasDem would not hesitate to determine the figure for the presidential candidate. It's just that, he said, reflecting on the previous election events, the determination of candidates will be carried out carefully.

"Not indecisive but considering carefully. However, for presidential or vice presidential candidates, the name of NasDem cadre Rachmat Gobel, should be taken into account in line with the aspirations of cadres and DPW from Eastern Indonesia," said Farhan.

Regarding the attitude of the coalition, Farhan assessed that until now it has not been a priority to do so. Because according to him, it is too early to confirm the map of the coalition.

"Because there are many dynamics that still allow changes to the coalition that are not binding," he said.

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