JAKARTA - The Ministry of Home Affairs (KDN) of Malaysia is planning to bring in foreign workers in the security sector from the Philippines, Indonesia and Bangladesh as a source of recruitment for new workers apart from Nepal, which has been carried out so far.

This was conveyed by the Minister of Home Affairs of Malaysia, Hamzah Zainuddin, to reporters after attending the APMM in Putrajaya, Tuesday, May 24.

The Malaysian side will hold talks in the near future with the three countries first. He said a decision at the base ranking had been approved to bring in foreign workers from countries other than Nepal.

"KDN has allowed foreign workers in the security sector from countries other than Nepal," he said as quoted by Antara.

Hamzah said to bring foreign workers into the security sector they need to have work experience in that field.

"The application for these workers can be made after the talks are held. However, the inclusion of security sector workers depends on the decisions of the three new countries," he said.

Previously Hamzah said the government had considered plans to bring in foreign workers in the security sector to compensate for the shortage of Nepalese and local nationals working in the sector.

So far, security officers or "guards" in a number of places such as apartments and shopping centers in Kuala Lumpur are always guarded by security officers from Nepal and rarely are men from Malay origin.

The security officers dressed in black and white are usually picked up by the agents who employ them.

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