AMBON - A total of 100 personnel from the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease were deployed to secure the inauguration of four acting regents and mayors at the Ambon Merdeka Square Tribune, Tuesday, May 21.

"Those assigned to carry out this security guard the tribune area and regulate traffic around the area," said Head of Public Relations of the Ambon Island Police and PP Lease Ipda Moyo Utomo in Ambon, quoted from Antara, Tuesday, May 24.

According to him, the inauguration procession carried out by the Governor of Maluku Murad Ismail was continued with a halalbihalal event so that many provincial and district/city officials and other invitees would fill the field stands.

"The main highway around Merdeka Square is always packed with motorized vehicles, so traffic officers are deployed to regulate the route," explained Moyo Utomo.

For information, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian has appointed four people as acting regents and mayors of four regions in Maluku after the end of the term of office for the pair of definitive regional heads on 22 May 2022.

Those whose terms of office as regional heads have ended are Richard Louhenapessy-Syarief Hafler (Mayor/deputy Mayor of Ambon), Ramli Umasugi-Amustafa Besan (Regent/Deputy Regent of Buru), Timothy Akerina (West Seram Regent), and Petrus Fatlolon -Agustinus Utuwaly (Regent/Deputy Regent of the Tanimbar Islands).

Meanwhile, those sworn in today, Tuesday 24 May, are Bodewin M. Wattimena as Acting Mayor of Ambon, Brigadier General Andi Chandra as Acting Regent of West Seram, Jalaludin Salampessy as Acting Regent of Buru, and Daniel Indey as Acting Regent of the Tanimbar Islands.

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