MAKASSAR - Acting Chairman of the Indonesian Solidarity Party (PSI) Giring Ganesha Djumaryo, known as Giring Nidji, visited Makassar City. Giring encouraged the management and cadres to win the candidate pair in the Makassar Pilkada, Munafri Ariffudin-Rahman Bando (Appi-Rahman).

"The results of the consolidation of directions from Plt Ketum, we focus on winning Mr. Appi in the Makassar Pilwalkot and ensuring the PSI structure reaches the TPS," said the Head of DPC PSI Rappocini Makassar, Adnan Darmawan, contacted by VOI , Friday, October 16.

Giring also accompanied Appi in campaigning at three points in Makassar City. One that was visited was Panampu Market. PSI became one of the supporters of Appi-Rahman in the Makassar Pilkada.

"For me, bro Appi is a polite, friendly, friendly and humble young politician. He invited us to a coalition and that implies that Bro Appi is also a unifying figure," said PSI Ketum Grace Natalie.

Appi-Rahman, who is also promoted by Democrat, PPP, Perindo, has the goal of making Makassar Bangkit the foremost city in Eastern Indonesia. The revival of Makassar will be marked by economic growth and a high human development index, low unemployment, a decrease in poverty and an increase in people's welfare in a just and equitable manner.

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