Pontianak Mayor Calls Harkitnas A Momentum To Rise To Catch Up
Deputy Mayor of Pontianak Discussion/Photo: Antara

PONTIANAK - Deputy Mayor of Pontianak, Discussion invites all State Civil Apparatus (ASN) in the momentum of the 114th National Awakening Day (Harkitnas) to work hard to catch up due to the COVID-19 pandemic that has hit for the last two years. fight in order to provide more satisfying services and foster trust in the community towards the Pontianak City Government," said Discussion after the commemoration ceremony of the 114th Harkitnas at the Pontianak City Government, Friday, May 20. but also interpreted to inflame the spirit of gotong royong in line with the theme of this year's commemoration "Let's Rise Together". Oetomo as the first organization in Indonesia that is national and modern in the history of the independence movement. Boedi Oetomo has laid down three ideals for national awakening, namely the independence of the ideals of humanity, advancing the homeland and nation, and realizing a nation's life that is honorable and dignified in the eyes of the world. Oetomo is still relevant for us to contextualize in today's national life," he said. Moreover, currently the spirit of gotong royong in the community is starting to fade, so it must continue to be fostered in advancing various fields in Pontianak City.

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