JAKARTA - Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) said it was unethical if in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK) submitted a budget for official cars of up to billions of rupiah for the leadership and supervisory board.

According to ICW researcher Kurnia Ramadhana, the budget proposal which was later approved by the Indonesian Parliament impressed that the KPK leaders in the Firli Bahuri era were insensitive to the pandemic conditions that made the economy of the Indonesian people difficult.

"They should understand and be sensitive that Indonesia is being hit by the COVID-19 epidemic which has devastated the people's economy. So it is unethical to ask for a budget for buying official cars worth billions," said Kurnia in his written statement, Friday, October 16.

The application for the official car is also deemed to no longer reflect the value that should be held by this anti-graft agency, namely simplicity.

"That value is getting faded. Especially in the era of Firli Bahuri's leadership," he said.

Kurnia noted that there were two moments that showed the decline in the value of simplicity in the institution, namely when discussions on the increase in the salary of the KPK leadership continued and when the KPK leadership received an official car.

However, these anti-corruption activists were not surprised by this change. Because, Firli Bahuri, who should give an example, is the opposite, namely showing a hedonistic lifestyle by using a helicopter for his personal needs.

Moreover, additional facilities for the leadership and supervisory board were also deemed unnecessary. Because, so far there has been no striking achievement from them.

"Supposedly, the addition of facilities can be followed by maximum work performance," he said.

Former KPK Deputy Chairman Saut Situmorang also spoke up about this official car. He said, this official car was not directly related to the performance of the KPK leadership.

"It is not directly related to the leadership's performance, for example OTT (Hand-Catching Operation) and other performances. I am riding the Innova for 4 years, it's safe," said Saut in his statement.

He revealed that during the leadership of the KPK volume IV or when he took office, there was never a discussion about official cars.

"If our cars are not discussed in volume IV, the problem of cars is not urgent so that the state does not bother to take care of the cars. Just enough money for transportation and then use it for car loans and car maintenance for each leader and staff. That has been running for 4 periods. and employees, "he said.

He stated that during the leadership of the KPK volume IV, he only asked that the salary of KPK employees be increased.

"So, volume IV only asked for an increase in employee salaries, initially only the salaries of the normative leaders had to be increased first as a basis. So, there was no issue with the transportation system at that time," said Saut.

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