JAKARTA - The police found new facts in the murder case of Dini Nurdiani whose body was found in the bushes in the Citra Green area of Cibubur, Kranggan Bekasi. The murder suspect, Neneng Umaya, is said to have given a stern warning to the victim.

"Yes, we have been warned, but we are still in touch," said the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes E. Zulpan to reporters, Thursday, May 19.

The suspect warned the victim to immediately stay away from her husband. This is because the victim and the suspect's husband, ID, had an illicit relationship.

However, the suspect's warning was ignored. Dini keeps in touch with ID via short message. So, Neneng was furious and planned the murder.

"The relationship between the husband and the victim continued and made the suspect carry out plans that ended with the victim being killed," said Zulpan. Until finally, Neneng killed Dini on April 26, 2022. The mode used in the murder was pretending to be the younger brother of ID.

Then, Neneng made an appointment to break the fast with Dini. That's when the two met at the TMII Bus Stop, East Jakarta.

Then, Neneng and Dini who rode on a motorbike went to the Kranggan area, Bekasi. There, Neneng launched the action.

In this case, Neneng is charged with Article 340 Juncto Article 338 of the Criminal Code concerning Premeditated Murder. He faces up to 20 years in prison.

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